Foundation Stage Lead with 15+ years experience. Passionate about creating lessons that encourage pupils to engage with their sense of curiosity, inviting and exploring the feeling of awe and wonder.
Foundation Stage Lead with 15+ years experience. Passionate about creating lessons that encourage pupils to engage with their sense of curiosity, inviting and exploring the feeling of awe and wonder.
This resource can be sent home to help children practice writing set 1 sounds they have been learning in class. It can also be laminated and placed in continuous provision to be utilised with white board pens as a ‘write and wipe’ activity to further support letter formation.
This resource can be sent home to help children practice writing red words they have been learning in class. It can also be laminated and placed in continuous provision to be utilised with white board pens as a ‘write and wipe’ activity to further support recognition of tricky words.
Developed in line with RWI, this resource supports children to learn correct letter formation using the same picture mnemonics they have already learned in their Set 1 sound lessons. This resource also includes a poster to support children to sit in the perfect handwriting position.
Small worlds, as well as being fun, are the ideal platform for nurturing children’s imagination from a young age. This play provides them with an opportunity to explore new materials, act out scenarios from real life, build language, practice social skills, and gain an understanding of the world.
Books are a rich starting point for learning in an early years setting. They provide an exciting way into worlds children could not otherwise visit. A well chosen book can be an excellent catalyst for all sorts of learning experiences. This resource includes enhancement ideas for the theme of ‘Let’s Celebrate’ (Celebrating our differences) utilising the following texts -
Colour Monster
Stick man
Rama and Sita
Leaf Man
There are many benefits to using a thematic approach in EYFS. One of the main benefits is that it can help children develop a deeper understanding of a particular topic. By exploring a theme in depth, children are able to connect the different pieces of information they learn, which can help them remember and apply what they have learned.
Books are a rich starting point for learning in an early years setting. They provide an exciting way into worlds children could not otherwise visit. A well chosen book can be an excellent catalyst for all sorts of learning experiences.
This resource includes detailed enhancement planning, highlighting intent, implementation and challenge for all outdoor areas of provision for the theme of ‘Let’s Celebrate - Celebrating our differences’.
The following texts are utlised -
Colour Monster
Stick man
Rama and Sita
Leaf Man
There are many benefits to using a thematic approach in EYFS. One of the main benefits is that it can help children develop a deeper understanding of a particular topic. By exploring a theme in depth, children are able to connect the different pieces of information they learn, which can help them remember and apply what they have learned.
Books are a rich starting point for learning in an early years setting. They provide an exciting way into worlds children could not otherwise visit. A well chosen book can be an excellent catalyst for all sorts of learning experiences.
This resource includes detailed enhancement planning, highlighting intent, implementation and challenge for all outdoor areas of provision for the following themes-
Autumn Term
Let’s celebrate - celebrating our differences, utlising the following texts-
Colour Monster
Stick man
Rama and Sita
Leaf Man
Spring Term
Around the world - comparisons of cultures and environments, utilising the following texts-
One Snowy Night
The Jolly Postman
Chinese New Year
Handa’s Surprise
The Polar Bear And The Snow Cloud
Easter Story
Summer Term
Our ‘booket’ list -story telling of family favourites, utilising the following texts-
Fletcher and the springtime blossom
The hungry caterpillar
Oliver’s vegetables
What the ladybird heard
Aliens love underpants
There are many benefits to using a thematic approach in EYFS. One of the main benefits is that it can help children develop a deeper understanding of a particular topic. By exploring a theme in depth, children are able to connect the different pieces of information they learn, which can help them remember and apply what they have learned.
Books are a rich starting point for learning in an early years setting. They provide an exciting way into worlds children could not otherwise visit. A well chosen book can be an excellent catalyst for all sorts of learning experiences.
This resource includes detailed enhancement planning, highlighting intent, implementation and challenge for all indoor areas of provision for the following themes-
Autumn Term
Let’s celebrate - celebrating our differences, utlising the following texts-
Colour Monster
Stick man
Rama and Sita
Leaf Man
Spring Term
Around the world - comparisons of cultures and environments, utilising the following texts-
One Snowy Night
The Jolly Postman
Chinese New Year
Handa’s Surprise
The Polar Bear And The Snow Cloud
Easter Story
Summer Term
Our ‘booket’ list -story telling of family favourites, utilising the following texts-
Fletcher and the springtime blossom
The hungry caterpillar
Oliver’s vegetables
What the ladybird heard
Aliens love underpants
There are many benefits to using a thematic approach in EYFS. One of the main benefits is that it can help children develop a deeper understanding of a particular topic. By exploring a theme in depth, children are able to connect the different pieces of information they learn, which can help them remember and apply what they have learned.
Books are a rich starting point for learning in an early years setting. They provide an exciting way into worlds children could not otherwise visit. A well chosen book can be an excellent catalyst for all sorts of learning experiences.
This resource includes detailed enhancement planning, highlighting intent, implementation and challenge for all indoor areas of provision for the theme of ‘Let’s Celebrate - Celebrating our differences’.
The following texts are utlised -
Colour Monster
Stick man
Rama and Sita
Leaf Man
The use of texts to support role play encourages children to make sense of the world around them. Pupils love to re-enact stories that are familiar to them, sometimes interpreting them in their own way or creating their own twist to the tale. A resource box filled with items linked to the story can be a great stimulus to deepen learning.
Books are a rich starting point for learning in an early years setting. They provide an exciting way into worlds children could not otherwise visit. A well chosen book can be an excellent catalyst for all sorts of learning experiences. This resource includes enhancement ideas for the theme of ‘Let’s Celebrate’ (Celebrating our differences) utilising the following texts -
Colour Monster
Stick man
Rama and Sita
Leaf Man
Small worlds, as well as being fun, are the ideal platform for nurturing children’s imagination from a young age. This play provides them with an opportunity to explore new materials, act out scenarios from real life, build language, practice social skills, and gain an understanding of the world.
Books are a rich starting point for learning in an early years setting. They provide an exciting way into worlds children could not otherwise visit. A well chosen book can be an excellent catalyst for all sorts of learning experiences. This resource includes enhancement ideas for the theme of ‘Our ‘booket’ list’ (story telling of family favourites) utilising the following texts -
Fletcher and the springtime blossoms
The hungry caterpillar
Oliver’s vegetables
What the ladybird heard
Aliens love underpants
There are many benefits to using a thematic approach in EYFS. One of the main benefits is that it can help children develop a deeper understanding of a particular topic. By exploring a theme in depth, children are able to connect the different pieces of information they learn, which can help them remember and apply what they have learned.
Books are a rich starting point for learning in an early years setting. They provide an exciting way into worlds children could not otherwise visit. A well chosen book can be an excellent catalyst for all sorts of learning experiences. This resource includes enhancement ideas for the theme of ‘Our ‘booket’ list’ (story telling of family favourites) utilising the following texts -
Fletcher and the springtime blossoms
The hungry caterpillar
Oliver’s vegetables
What the ladybird heard
Aliens love underpants